DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT With short steps, bent under the pitiless burden of a driving snowstorm, the emperor penguin labours through a vast labyrinth of ice. Around him, all is white, all is in violent flux. Yet the valiant bird never falters, undaunted...
Lire la suiteREVIEW SUMMARY It's impossible to watch the thousands of emperor penguins huddled together against the icy Antarctic blasts in Luc Jacquet's documentary film without feeling a tug of anthropomorphic kinship. Never mind that emperor penguins have been...
Lire la suiteMARCH OF THE PENGUINS Synopsis : In the Antarctic, every March since the beginning of time, the quest begins to find the perfect mate and start a family. This courtship will begin with a long journey a journey that will take them hundreds of miles across...
Lire la suiteMiss, Mister, My name is MG, i'm a french film student of 22 years old... Yersterday, Canal+ diffused the last part of "Speer und ER" " Speer et hitler -L'architecte du Diable-" i realy enjoyed your docu-fiction and will be realy happy to get a press...
Lire la suiteRéussir une synthèse. Ce documentaire-fiction est l'oeuvre du cinéaste Heinrich Breloer, qui a personnellement rencontré Albert Speer quelques mois avant sa mort. Un homme « affable, charmeur, serviable », qui lui proposa « très gentiment de consulter...
Lire la suitean article, in french for those who understand it... i moslty agree with it... DIMANCHE 13 NOVEMBRE L'architecte d'Hitler Docu-fiction sur Albert Speer. L'architecture sert-elle, comme la géographie, à la guerre ? Speer et Hitler, l'architecte du diable....
Lire la suiteSPEER & HITLER, L'ARCHITECTE DU DIABLE traduction and analyse in english and progress... lève le voile sur un personnage central du régime nazi : Albert Speer.Ce docu-fiction est construit en trois parties, qui correspondent aux trois temps de la vie...
Lire la suiteAnthem is a film that explores the fundamental question, "What does the Constitution of The United States say?"Anthem presents a personal vision of the Constitution, and how a single comment, "I'm moving to France," can come to stand for the greater dream...
Lire la suiteif you wanna make one, send it to, then diffused down here...please precise the theme of your commentaire(s) on the headline... thanks!
Lire la suitethe same shot, after composting, chroma-key, re-lighting... etc...
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