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Miss, Mister,
My name is MG, i'm a french film student of 22 years old...
Yersterday, Canal+ diffused the last part of "Speer und ER" " Speer et hitler -L'architecte du Diable-"
i realy enjoyed your docu-fiction and will be realy happy to get a press file / production file of the film
this is my adress :
The second thing, screenwritting / directing
concerning the suposed good, reason, sub-text of the film:
the director / screenwrittor of the film might be very touched to meet the concerned man, but, i'm realy confused to understand that Speer is saw as a victim, and the all film is directed for the audience to feel sad, pity, guilty about or for him...
what does  the screenplay wanna say, or excuse... what does it want us to feel and understand? The film is realy distrubing when it's directed...and look to be politicly engaged to save him, and detaches him of problem of morality, as excused by the director .
the Speer's character is used in a single dramatic way, detached or concerned, when it look good to be, leaving to Hitler every responsabilies.
it's a single psychological, so subjective version of the title named man story.
the prison sequences are well done, but why does the screenplay want me to feel bad for him, why should i ?
threre is an obvious wished way of telling that story, choosed against morality.
Speer children interviews are the only orignal, interesting elements of it, wich ironicaly, contrast the directed part, more depth, and subtilities, doubts concerning Speer and their own father.
Concerning the form,
It's an exelent film, realy well directed, and edited, and i liked "the story" as fiction anyway, done with a crew of very good professionel,the photography is well used, and the actors done a  good performance,even if Speer's actor, famous actor in germany (i know that!) looks like Oliver Stone.Costumes... and above all decors are great!!!
I liked to fallow it .
I doubt you'll answer me, 'cause of the point of views and the answers i want...
i'll be please to get, if it exists in english, the shooting script in pdf if possible, and the screenwriter / director  note, to come back on it...
just tell me i'm wrong to think that way... i'll feel better.
In the hope of your answer,
please trust in my salutation.
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