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visual art of "immortel"

visual art of "immortel"



a true break. Enki Bilal didn't wanted to copy-paste his "BDs", but to re-visit his work, to create from it... Based on the Nickopole Trilogy ( Characters and Background -even if a beat different, pieces of backstories) he re-generated his own myth with...

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cinema as experimentation

cinema as experimentation

It would be stupid to say that Immortel has an only artistic purpose...this film is also very commercial, But let's focus on the process of adaptation... and of experimentation for his director, of the support's transfert for page to screen...

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Enki Bilal's filmography

Enki Bilal's filmography

Director - filmography Immortel (ad vitam) (2004) Tykho moon (1996) Bunker palace hotel (1989)

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Enki Bilal

Enki Bilal

Enki Bilal Enki Bilal was born in 1951 in Belgrade, the capital of Yugoslavia, and moved to Paris 9 years later. At age 14 he met René Goscinny (illustrator of "Asterix") and famous French comix scripter Jean-Michel Charlier, who praised his drawings...

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Immortel Plot Outline: New York 2095. In a strange pyramid floating in the sky, the gods of ancient Egypt are judging Horus. In the city, a young women with blue hair and tears is arrested, but she has a secret power, even to herself... Trivia: Was one...

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